
Thursday 30 August 2012

News: figma and Nendoroid Petite Racing Miku (2012 ver)

I will be combining the figma and Nendoroid Racing Miku in one post since both are posted by Mika Tan already.

This was first seen at the display during the Wonder Fest Summer 2012. Back then it was available for 7000 yen which includes the figma together some goodies. Mika Tan uploaded more images of this figma yesterday night.

Personally I think it does features a few nice accessories to play with, super posable and so on. But I don't really have a 'feel' with this figure. I guess it is the head sculpt of this Miku and the outfit. Personally I think they are abit weird. Well this is only my thoughts on it. I think overall it is still a great figma and nice toy. Next up is the Nendoroid version.

Accord to source this is a collaboration between Nendoroid Petite and Tamiya's Midi 4WD. I am not sure if the final product comes with the racing tamiya car but it certainly looks nice with Miku driving the tamiya. Produced by Dengeki Hobby Megazine, this Miku version is the first product to be launch.

Mika Tan explained that there was a Tamiya car racing going on after the WonFes ended which was telecast on the live Wonhobby boardcast that night. Above are some images shared by Mika and it looks interesting... I believe most Singaporean around my age owns at least one Tamiya car in their life haha. I owned one during my primary school time, it was called emperor something... (can't remember...)

Other then sitting in the cockpit, Miku also had an addition body parts for standing pose too. According to source, this Nendoroid Petite racing Miku will be available tomorrow (31st Aug)! Looks like I will be getting the Nendoroid version...

Source from: Mika Tan's blog

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