
Sunday 2 September 2012

Coverage on STGCC 2012: Anime, Gundams and Tokidoki

Was really looking for for some anime toys at the convention but it seems most of them are superheroes and designer toys. Still managed to capture some anime stuffs nevertheless. There is also a booth promoting the SD Gundam online game, which displayed a few prize winning Gundam model kits.

Also managed to captured the following displays at Tokidoki booth!

The last image is actually a collaboration between Tokidoki and Singapore Post. I will be posting one more post on STGCC coverage. Thanks for viewing!


  1. Well covered of STGCC 2012 bro. I'm ashamed that I haven't fulfill my obligation as a media blogger...

  2. Thanks for the encourage bro, you are too modest. I read your blog, it was more in depth then mine. These few post only shows the 'Toy' sections. There were so many areas which I did not touch on.
