
Tuesday 17 June 2014

My Colletion: My new cabinet in my new house!

Greetings, it has been half a year since my last post.. Wow, I almost forgot my password!
Anyway over these past few months, I have been busying doing my new house and spending most of my time on mobile games. And now I finally have some time on a new post! Pictures speaks a thousand words, let the pictures speak for themselves.

Before the cabinet is installed:

 After two hours plus, the cabinet is done!

With the internal LED lighted up!

 Size comparison with ML Wolverine.

My first few display!

So as you can see, this will be the only place I can display my collections. I don't how many of my collections can be squeezed into this cabinets but I will try to keep as much as I can... Be sure to check back for more!


  1. Hi,

    Care to share how much is the cabinet? Any details of the carpenter? Thanks

    1. Cost me around 3.2k, not including the led lights. Got my contractor to handle this, not sure of the carpenter details. But the carpenter is from Malaysia. You might want to ask the price around, and if you really want then I will share my contractor's details.

  2. Hey James, been a while haha! Congrats on the new house, I'm moving in to my new place this Thursday as well. Also looking to do up my display cabinet pretty soon

    1. Thanks bro. Wow congrats, can't wait to see your display soon!

  3. James, Great to see your cabinet has been set up. Now, it's time to display all your figures.Looking forward to see your collection :)

    1. Thanks Bro Desmond! Will spend the next few weeks, if not, months to do so.. Haha.
