
Neko's Collection Page (NEW!)

Slamdunk is one of my favourite manga series written by Takehiko Inoue about this basketball team from Shohoku High School. However it seems like the author had no intention to continue this series. This manga series occupied my schooling days.

My favourite character Doraemon and Nobita Nobi 

 This is my very first Nendoriod Miyuki Takara in Lucky Star which was a birthday present from James!!!

 We found these two last Miyuki Figma in Hong Kong

Finally, i completed this whole set.

This was  special gift from James  which i got it last year...My Fav Yuki Miku!!

Also another gift from James too!! eh i can't remember when!! 

So far, i managed to take shot of Neko's collections. Will continue to update this page soon. (^O^)


  1. Are these your collection? i have some of them on my shelves as well...

    1. yes.. in fact there are few more to post .. like Nanoha petite nendoroid and K-On collection..i'm still sorting out the photos..

  2. so this toy blog belonged to james and yourself?
